
Iran denies nuclear messages conflicting

TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran on Saturday denied any contradictions in its reactions to an international nuclear proposal, saying the offer of incentives in return for a suspension of sensitive atomic work was still being examined. “Our stance regarding the 5+1 package is quite clear,” Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said of …

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Ethiopian troops cross border into Somalia

JOWHAR (Reuters) — About 300 Ethiopian troops crossed into Somalia on Saturday, a top Islamist said, after Islamic fighters who wrested control of Mogadishu moved inland towards the seat of Somalia’s interim government.

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Tehran pledged further $50m, Zahhar says

RAMALLAH — Having brought in $20 million in cash Wednesday, Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahhar yesterday announced he had received pledges for a further $50 million from Iran on his weekslong recent tour of the Muslim world and China.

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Russia and China announce strategic partnership in a bid to counter expanding Western military and fiscal influences

Tang Jiaxuan, a member of China’s State Council, said Russia and China have similar positions on regional and global issues. Tang said Moscow is Beijing’s key ally in its effort to maintain a strategic partnership.

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