Eurasia News

Tadić, Dodik to visit towns together

Serbian President Boris Tadić and Republic of Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Milorad Dodik will on Saturday visit Užice and Višegrad. Užice is a western Serbian town, while Višegrad is located in eastern RS. Tadić and Dodik will first together open the Užice Free Zone in the city’s local community of Sevojno, …

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No probe of possible Kosovo mass grave yet

An EULEX spokesperson said on Wednesday that the EU mission was preparing for establishing the location of a possible mass grave site. The location is believed to be in the vicinity of the central Kosovo town of Obilić, and to contain the remains of killed Serbs and other non-Albanians.

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Ucraina va continua sa construiasca canalul Bastroe

Ucraina isi va apara interesele legate de constructia canalului Dunare-Marea Neagra (Bastroe), a declarat, miercuri, presedintele ucrainean Viktor Ianukovici, relateaza Ria Novosti “In pofida presiunii la care suntem supusi, nu ne vom descuraja si ne vom apara interesele legate de constructia canalului”, a spus seful statului ucrainean in cadrul unei …

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Kosovo government to form a special fund of 5 million euros for Serbs integration

Kosovo government have decided to form a special fund for integration of Serbs from north Kosovo. The fund has been formed by the initiative of Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Taci, who assured that this fund will affect the economic development in that part of Kosovo.

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German FM in visit to Serbia

Germany’s Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle is set to meet Serbia’s top officials today. This will be his first official Balkan tour. Westerwelle is scheduled to meet Serbian PM Mirko Cvetkovic and Serbian President Boris Tadic. In the afternoon he is set to meet his Serbian counterpart Vuk Jeremic.

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Ukraine President: EU Accession remains a priority

On the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, President Viktor Yanukovych addressed the Ukrainian people. In his speech, he stressed that the European integration and accession to the EU remain a priority of Ukraine’s foreign policy and expressed hope that the Summit Ukraine-EU in the autumn …

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