Eurasia News

Oficial rus: Moscova ar putea sanctiona economic Romania

Diplomatul roman declarat persona non grata in Rusia actiona pentru NATO, iar faptul ca Romania a lucrat in interesul altei parti este “socant si deplorabil”, a declarat, joi, presedintele Comisiei de Afaceri Externe din Duma de Stat, Konstatin Kosacev, citat de Vocea Rusiei, in pagina electronica. Konstantin Kosacev nu a …

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Romanian President: As Romania’s representative in Council of Europe, I wanted to discuss with Vlad Filat

“As Romania’s representative in the Council of Europe, I wanted to have a discussion with Vlad Filat,” President Traian Basescu said on the meeting with the Moldovan Premier, held in Iasi, on Thursday, August 19. During the meeting the two officials talked about the developments in Moldova. “We want to …

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Croatia strips Glavas war honours

Branimir Glavas, the Croatian former lawmaker convicted of war crimes, has been stripped of his war honours and rank of general by Croatia’s president. The order by Ivo Josipovic came three weeks after Glavas was sentenced to eight years inprisonment by the country’s Supreme Court for war crimes committed in …

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Kirilica, Macedonia: OSCE ambassador calls for Macedonian and Albanian pupils in Struga to study on one shift

Macedonia — The ambassador of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Jose-Luis Herrero met Tuesday members on the commission for interethnic relations in Struga, Macedonian Kirilica news website reports. They discussed

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OSCE to follow closely Moldovan referendum

The Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, Ambassador Philip Remler is rejecting as baseless accusations aired on a Moldovan television program that the OSCE is turning a blind eye to the 5 September constitutional referendum

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