Eurasia News

Serbia draws up plan to regain northern Kosovo

Serbia will demand that northern part of Kosovo gets the same as the southern part – independence or substantial autonomy. The Hague-based International Court of Justice is set to render on July 22 its opinion about the legitimacy of Kosovo independence. Then, Serbia will continue the battle in the

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The United State and Slovenia call for Macedonia’s NATO entry in November

The United State and Slovenia believe it’s time to work out a deal that would enable Macedonia to secure NATO membership invitation and launch of EU accession talks. Slovenian news agency STA says the pledges were expressed by Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, …

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Bulgaria, Russia to discuss south stream road map

Representatives of Bulgaria and Russia are going to discuss details on the road map for the South Stream gas pipeline project Friday. The Bulgarian party, headed by minister of economy and energy Traicho Traikov, welcomes a Russian delegation, headed by energy minister Sergey Smatko at the seaside

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Karadzic witness downplays role of Central Govt

Momcilo Mandic told the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, that paramilitary formations were not controlled by the Serbian army or politicians in 1992, adding that the central government of Republika Srpska was not in charge of municipal crisis committees.

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