Eurasia News

Mahmoud Abbas la Bucuresti

Presedintele Autoritatii Nationale Palestiniene, Mahmoud Abbas, va efectua in zilele de 12 si 13 iulie o vizita oficiala in Romania, la invitatia presedintelui Romaniei, Traian Basescu. In cadrul convorbirilor la nivel inalt, vor fi abordate atat teme bilaterale, cat si problematica Orientului Mijlociu, se mentioneaza intr-un comunicat de presa al …

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Bulgarian Foreign Minister: Bulgaria supports Turkish EU-accession process

Bulgaria’s foreign minister Nikolay Mladenov has played down concerns that Bulgaria would oppose a future membership in the EU on the part of Turkey. Mladenov said that Bulgaria “supports the processes of EU-accession of Turkey”, speaking for the Anatolian News Agency in Dubrovnik, where leaders from the Balkans gathered to …

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Serbia lifts visa requirements for Turkish citizens

The government has decided to abolish entrance visa requirements for Turkish citizens, effective Monday, the day Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan kicks off a visit. He will meet with President Boris Tadic and Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic. The programme also includes a visit to the Muslim-dominated town of Novi …

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EC envoy Degert says Kosovo partition not an option

The head of the European Commission (EC) delegation to Serbia, Vincent Degert, said on Sunday that any partition of Kosovo is not an option. He stressed that none of the EU members supports such an idea, fearing a domino effect in the region. In an interview with Fonet news agency, …

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Serbian Officials react to EP Kosovo resolution

Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Political Director Borko Stefanović says EU institutions have no joint position when it comes to Kosovo. He made the comment for B92 TV late on Thursday, after it was reported that the European parliament had adopted a resolution calling on all EU members to recognize …

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Greece’s Alternate Foreign Minister, EU foreign policy chief to discuss Balkans’ EU perspective

The EU perspective of the Western Balkans will be up for discussion Friday between Greece’s Alternate Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas and Baroness Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief, Greek foreign ministry said. The ministry says Droutsas and Ashton will discuss the EU-Turkey relations, the Cyprus issue, the Middle East peace …

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