Eurasia News

Serbian court convicts three of war crimes in Croatia

A local court convicted three people charged with war crimes in Medak, Croatia, in September 1991. A fourth defendant was acquitted. Milorad Lazic and Nikola Konjevic each got three years in prison Wednesday (June 23rd). Mirko Marunic was sentenced to two years behind bars, while Perica Djakovic was released. The …

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Serbia to abolish visa regime with Albania

Serbia is close to removing its visa regime with Albania, Deputy Foreign Minister Zdravko Ponos said on Wednesday (June 23rd) during a visit to Shkodra. Ponos met with representatives of the Serbian and Montenegrin minority in northern Albania. “One of the issues discussed with my colleagues was visas. Albania has …

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Moldovan Parliament decides to concentrate entirely on condemnation of communism

Next Monday, the Moldovan Parliament will hold an extraordinary plenary sitting to hear the report prepared by the Commission for Assessment and Condemnation of the Totalitarian Communist Regime in Moldova. The commission was set up on the initiative of Moldova’s Acting President, Parliament Chairman Mihai Ghimpu.

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Spain close to finalising ratification of SAA with Serbia

The Spanish parliament has approved the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with Serbia and next will inform Brussels that the ratification procedure is completed, the daily Belgrade-based daily Danas reported on Wednesday (June 23rd), quoting Spanish Ambassador to Belgrade Inigo de Palacio Espana. He says Spain will be the first …

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BiH’s Ahmetovic, EU’s Malmstrom discuss visa issues

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Security Minister Sadik Ahmetovic met on Tuesday (June 22nd) in Brussels with EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom. They both expressed satisfaction with BiH’s progress in meeting obligations under its EU visa liberalisation road map. Malstrom said she has no doubts that the country will meet …

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EULEX: War crimes suspect arrested

A person suspected of war crimes in northern Albania was arrested near Đakovica, according to the EU mission in Kosovo (EULEX). “The case is related to the ongoing EULEX investigation of the possible abuse of persons held in KLA camps in northern Albanian

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