Eurasia News

EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Council holds first meeting

The first meeting of the EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Council took place on Monday (June 14th) in Luxembourg, six weeks after the SAA with Montenegro took effect. Attending the meeting were Spanish State Secretary for the EU Diego Lopez Garrido, EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele

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ISG says Kosovo’s independence is irreversible

The International Steering Group (ISG) fully supports Kosovo’s territorial integrity and independence and says it is irrevocable. Following a business lunch of the 25 ISG representatives and Kosovo political leaders in Pristina on Monday (June 14th), International Civilian Office head Pieter Feith, on behalf of the Group, said that partition …

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Victims of Stalinist deportations commemorated in Chisinau

A meeting of commemoration of victims of the first Stalinist deportations wave from June 13, 1941, was held on Sunday in Chisinau, in Piata Marii Adunari Nationale. According to some data, more than two thousand people took part in the meeting. Churches of the country made some divine services to …

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European Commission launches visa dialogue with Moldova

The European Commission today launched a dialogue on visa-free travel with the Republic of Moldova. The aim of the dialogue is to examine the relevant conditions for visa-free travel of Moldovan citizens to the EU as a long-term goal.

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Bulgaria to facilitate visa regime for Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus

Bulgaria will facilitate visa regime for citizens of Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The measure will come into effect on June 15. The multi-visa within a year can be provided to the persons, who has already received at least one visa and has used it. The multi-visa for the period …

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Serbia’s EU Pre-Accession Deal Gets Green Light

EU foreign ministers have agreed to start the ratification process of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Serbia, a major step forward on the country’s path to the EU. The 27 EU foreign ministers took the decision at their meeting in Luxembourg after the chief prosecutor at the UN war …

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EU concern over political situation in Albania

EU foreign ministers have expressed their concern over the political situation in Albania, where the ruling and opposition parties have not yet found a solution to the political crisis that began almost one year ago. “It is high time to find a solution to the current crisis on a basis …

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EU foreign ministers to discuss Western Balkans

EU foreign ministers are gathering on Monday (June 14th) to discuss a range of topics, including the situation in the Western Balkans. The meeting will be attended by Hague war crimes tribunal chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz, who will brief the diplomats on co-operation of countries in the region. Belgrade expects …

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