Eurasia News

Political crisis postpones EP resolution on Albania

The European Parliament (EP) refused to vote for a resolution on Albania’s EU integration on Tuesday (June 1st), thus jeopardising Tirana’s visa liberalisation process. The country’s ongoing political stalemate drove the decision, the EP explained on its website. Adoption of the document has been postponed until the end of June. …

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EU urged to give Kosovo concrete membership perspective

European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek believes that Kosovo needs a clear membership perspective, rather than promises regarding its EU future. Lunacek presented a document in Vienna on Tuesday (June 1st) containing eight recommendations, drafted with experts and representatives of Kosovo’s civil society. “I am working on a …

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US Deputy Secretary of State Set for Bulgaria Visit

The US Deputy Secretary of State, James B. Steinberg, is set to visit Bulgaria Thursday to hold meetings with senior Bulgarian government officials, the US State Department has confirmed. Steinberg is first traveling to Sarajevo on Wednesday to attend the EU-Western Balkans ministerial meeting

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European Commissioner Dacian Ciolos arrives to Chisinau for high-level talks

Commissioner Dacian Ciolos, responsible for Agriculture and Rural Development, will pay a visit to Moldova on 3-6 June 2010. The Commissioner will meet with Moldova’s Acting President and Speaker of the Parliament Mihai Ghimpu, Prime Minister Vlad Filat, Minister for Agriculture

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Romanii timoceni sub ancheta. Senatorul Badea face apel la presedintele Serbiei

Autoritatile sarbe continua presiunile exercitate asupra comunitatii romanesti din Valea Timocului inaintea alegerilor pentru Consiliile Nationale ale Minoritatilor din Serbia, transmite Romanian Global News. Alegerile minoritare – programate pentru 6 iunie – au declansat din partea autoritatilor sarbe o ampla campanie de intimidare care a inceput cu mai multe saptamani …

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Tadić continues visit to Greece

Serbian President Boris Tadić will meet in Athens today, on the second day of his official visit to Greece, with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou. He will also meet with Greek businesspeople at a meeting of the Greek-Serbian Business Council.

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Saakashvili la Bucuresti

Presedintele Georgiei, Mihail Saakashvili, va efectua, miercuri si joi, o vizita oficiala in Romania, prilej cu care se va intalni cu presedintele Traian Basescu, a informat Administraţia Prezidenţiala. La ora 15.30 va avea loc ceremonia primirii, la Palatul Cotroceni, urmata de convorbiri ale celor doua delegaţii, semnarea unor documente oficiale …

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Dinkic to visit Macedonia today

Serbian government delegation, led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Regional Development Mladjan Dinkic, will arrive in Macedonia on Wednesday for an official visit. Deputy Prime Minister Dinkic will hold a meeting with his host – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Vladimir Pesevski.

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