Eurasia News

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Urged to Support Kosovo in EU

Bulgarian Foreign Affairs Minister, Nikolay Mladenov, has showed his support for the strengthening of the state institutions in Kosovo so as “to protect the rights of all ethnic communities.” Mladenov was speaking after meeting with his counterpart in Pristina Skender Hyseni and Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci, as part of his …

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Montenegrin speaker criticizes Serbia

Speaker of the Montenegrin parliament Ranko Krivokapić stated that Serbia was “not capable of organizing a good state meeting”. “As far as I’m concerned, my visit to Serbia was finished on May 8 and 9 and I will invite my counterpart to come to Montenegro because I reckon that Serbia …

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Bramerc to visit Belgrade

Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Serge Bramerc will kick off his 2-day visit to Belgrade on Wednesday. His visit is in the course of the preparations for submitting the regular report on UN Security Council towards mid-June. His assessment on Belgrade’s cooperation will have impact on whether EU will ratify the …

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Georgia, Armenia to discuss cooperation in border regions

Working meeting on improving the response to the economic development of border regions of Georgia and Armenia will take place in Tbilisi May 13. During the meeting, a presentation of the results of the research and recommendations for the regions located near the Georgian-Armenian border will be held, the organization …

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EC calls for more fiscal reforms in Romania

The European Commission (EC) issued a statement Monday (May 10th), concluding that while Romania has broadly met conditions to receive aid from the EU, the country needs more progress in terms of fiscal reforms, particularly by adopting laws on pension and state wages. The statement came after the end of …

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EC to assess Montenegro’s EU application by autumn

The European Commission’s (EC) assessment of Montenegro’s EU membership application will be completed by autumn, the EC Head of Delegation in Podgorica, Leopold Maurer, said on Monday (May 10th). He pointed out that based on this opinion, EU leaders will decide by year end whether to offer candidate status. Podgorica …

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EULEX to investigate more Kosovo ministries

Local media are reporting that EULEX officials will investigate six more ministries from the current and past government for misuse of state funds. Klan Kosova TV quoted sources Monday (May 10th) who said that the education ministry will be scrutinised in relation to tenders for the construction of new schools. …

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Romania sustine initiativa Uniunii Europene privind eliminarea vizelor pentru Rusia

Ministrii de externe din UE au participat luni, la Bruxelles, la reuniunea Consiliului Afacerilor Externe, unul din subiectele abordate in cadrul intalnirii fiind posibilitatea eliminarii vizelor pentru Rusia. Prezent la reuniune, ministrul roman de externe, Teodor Baconschi, a aratat ca Rusia este un partener strategic al UE si ca Uniunea …

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Turkish PM will arrive on a two-day visit in Greece on May 14

Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan will arrive on a two-day working visit in Greece on May 14. The first session of the Turkish-Greek strategic cooperation council will take place, during the visit. The session will be co-chaired by Erdogan and by his Greek counterpart Georgios Papandreou. The Turkish delegation will …

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Spain sees EU progress for Turkey in two months

Turkey should make some progress in its negotiations to join the European Union in the next two months, Spain’s foreign minister said on Monday, urging the bloc to intensify its cooperation with Ankara. Speaking after a regular meeting to assess Turkey’s readiness to join the 27-member union, Miguel Angel Moratinos …

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