Eurasia News

Civic organisations see few results from EULEX

Representatives of civic organisations in Kosovo have sent a letter to US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg asking him to use his influence “to ensure that EULEX has enough capacities and political support to fulfil its mandate and yield the expected results for Kosovo citizens.” No significant progress in …

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EU, U.S. officials meet with Inzko

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg and Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos discussed the political situation in Bosnia yesterday. They met with High Representative Valentin Inzko in Sarajevo. “The situation in Bosnia is disturbing and the October elections are an opportunity to change this trend,” Inzko said at …

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Karadzic asks UN to halt trial

Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has again appealed to delay his genocide trial that is due to resume next week. Karadzic says the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal has accepted 1,500 statements and items of testimony from earlier trials concerning the Bosnian war without giving him a chance to cross-examine …

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Moldova seeks becoming a post-monitoring country

Moldova’s transition to the PACE post-monitoring stage is a chief priority the new Moldovan authorities have set to themselves, Moldova’s Acting President, Parliament Chairman Mihai Ghimpu stated yesterday during his meeting with Josette Durrieu (France, SOC) and Egidijus Vareikis (Lithuania, EPP/CD), co-rapporteurs of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) …

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US Deputy State Secretary to visit Kosovo

US Deputy State Secretary James Steinberg is due to arrive Wednesday in Kosovo, as part of his brief Balkan tour. Before the visit, Steinberg said that Pristina and Belgrade must be more pragmatic despite all differences and pledged to help establish a dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Steinberg announced that …

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EU Commissioner Štefan Füle on official visit to South Caucasus

Eu Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle is visiting Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia on 6-9 April. “Each and every of our partner countries is the master of its own success in getting closer to the EU” stated Commissioner Füle prior to the visit. The EU is offering

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State Secretary of Serbia’s Ministry for Kosovo: EU Turning Kosovo into Second Cyprus

Oliver Ivanovic, State Secretary of Serbia’s Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija, said that the EU has made Kosovo a “second Cyprus” and would have to accept it as such. Ivanovic said that lamentations such as “We don’t need a new Cyprus” might be coming from Brussels “but, if they really …

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ICG calls on Serbia not to block Kosovo’s progress

The International Crisis Group’s Europe Programme Director Sabine Freizer said on Monday that it would be good for Serbia to foster positive relations with Kosovo. A solution must be found to enable both countries to take part in regional initiatives, she added. Freizer praised Serbia for condemning the Srebrenica massacre, …

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Kosovo’s Pacolli calls for early elections

Opposition New Kosovo Alliance leader Behxhet Pacolli called for early elections and the establishment of a technical government on Monday (April 5th). Pacolli criticised the recent government reshuffle by saying that the changes made are limited only to the replacement of some ministers with others.

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