Eurasia News

Grecia accepta o solutie de compromis in cazul FYROM: Macedonia de Nord

Grecia accepta ca Fosta Republica Iugoslava a Macedoniei (FYROM) sa se numeasca “Macedonia de Nord”, a declarat primul adjunct al ministrului afacerilor externe grec Dimitris Droutsas, transmite Agerpres. Daca premierul macedonean Nikola Gruevski respinge propunerea, “va trebui sa explice el insusi poporului sau pentru ce il priveaza de perspectiva europeana”, …

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Seful Parlamentului European vine in Romania

Jerzy Buzek, presedintele PE, va efectua o vizita la Bucuresti in perioada 11 – 12 aprilie, in cadrul careia se va intalni cu presedintele Traian Basescu, presedintii celor doua Camere ale Parlamentului, premierul Emil Boc si cu ministrul de Externe, Teodor Baconschi.

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US welcomes progress in Cyprus talks

US State Department spokesperson Philip Crowley on Friday hailed progress made in the Cypriot reunification talks and promised Washington’s support for a “just and lasting” settlement. Crowley said the US was “encouraged” by a statement of progress following the latest meeting of Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader …

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Serbia: Serbian-Bulgarian pipeline is not a priority

The natural gas in Serbia can hike now; however, everything depends on Serbian government and the Energy Agency, the general director of Serbiagaz Dusan Bajatovic said. Bjatovic said that the Company had not filled in a claim on hiking gas price in a compliance with the political agreement.

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Romania hopes to join Schengen by March 2011

Romania’s main goal, now that it is a member of the EU and NATO, is to join Schengen by March 2011, Prime Minister Emil Boc said on Saturday. He added that Romanian authorities will exert the maximum effort toward achieving that goal. Speaking at the opening of an immigration service …

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International officials to visit BiH

Senior EU and US officials will visit BiH this week to encourage local leaders to speed up reforms needed for the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the country, an unnamed representative of the US embassy in Sarajevo announced Sunday (April 4th). US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg and Spanish …

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Karadzic to attend resumed trial

Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic will appear at The Hague war crimes tribunal (ICTY) on April 13th for the resumption of his trial, a member of Karadzic’s defence team, Peter Robinson, said on Saturday (April 3rd). According to Robinson, Karadzic plans to participate fully in the hearings. On Thursday, …

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