Eurasia News

Balkan Ministers Take on Border Safety Issue

Balkan interior ministers have gathered at a two-day regional conference in Tirana to discuss cooperation in handling border security and responses to transnational crime. The meeting was attended by representatives of the all the countries in the region and several EU delegations, as well as Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha.

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Serbia and Bulgaria to sign a deal on gas pipeline

Serbia and Bulgaria will sign a deal on Friday to build a gas pipeline linking the two countries to help avert future gas supply problems and boost energy security in the region. Serbia’s Energy Minister Petar Skundric will travel to Brussels to sign a joint statement for pipeline with Bulgarian …

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French ambassador to Georgia: Sale of Mistral to Russia will not affect relations with Georgia

France’s policy on support for Georgia remains unchanged and the sale of “Mistral” to Russia will not affect the Paris- Tbilisi relations, French Ambassador to Georgia Eric Fournier said. The diplomat said that during the last Paris meeting of the French and Russian

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Finland backs Albania’s visa liberalisation process

Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb voiced support for Albania’s visa liberalisation process with the EU during a meeting with Albanian counterpart Ilir Meta in Helsinki on Wednesday. Stubb said his country backs Tirana’s effort to progress towards European integration, but stressed that reforms should continue. Meta said the visit “marks the …

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Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia Leaders to Meet Friday

Serbian President Boris Tadic is set to meet with Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor and her Slovenian counterpart, Borut Pahor in the town of Ptuj in Slovenia on Friday. According to the Slovenian press agency STA, the top officials are set to discuss a conference on the EU integration of …

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