Eurasia News

EU Commissioner Olli Rehn to visit Greece

EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn is to arrive on a visit to Athens on March 1 to hold talks with the members of the Greek government, including with the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Labor and Social Insurance and the Minister of Economy and Competition, …

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US President, Greek PM to meet on March 9 in Washington

US President Barack Obama will meet with Greek Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou on March 9 in Washington, Macedonian media report. Papandreou has been trying to appoint a meeting with Obama since the new US president stepped in the post. The Greek Diaspora in the USA has contributed for the meeting …

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Bulgaria and Romania sign memorandum of understanding on cross-border cooperation

Signing a memorandum of understanding on cross-border cooperation means EUR 260 million in European funds in favor of the Bulgarian and Romanian citizens, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said after the Bulgarian and Romanian ministers in charge – Rosen Plevneliev and Elena Udrea – signed the memorandum.

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Serbia to receive EUR 850 million from EU preaccession funds

The EU has set aside some 850 million EUR for Serbia from its preaccession funds, Adriano Martins, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia announced. Stating that in November, the Commission will be deciding on concrete projects to compete for the funds, he praised the efforts of Serbia to …

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Romanian new ambassador will arrive in Moldova the next month

Romania’s newly-appointed ambassador in Moldova Marius Lazurca will arrive in Chisinau the next month, according to foreign minister’s spokesman Valeriu Turea. On 9th February, his candidature to become Romania’s ambassador in Moldova was approved by parliamentary foreign policy committees.

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European Commissioner arrives in Georgia

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg arrived in Georgia on a three-day visit Feb.26. During his visit Hammarberg will visit Tskhinvali, as well as meet with representatives of the Georgian authorities and partner international organizations, the Council of Europe’s representative office in Tbilisi reported. The commissioner will …

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UN mediator Nimetz travels to Athens

UN special envoy in name dispute between Macedonia and Greece, Matthew Nimetz begins his visit to Athens, where he will meet with Greek authorities and discuss name issue under UN auspices. UN mediator Nimetz is slated to meet with Greece’s Alternative Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas. UN mediator Nimetz meet with …

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