Eurasia News

Moldova starts removing barbed wire on Romania border

The former Soviet republic of Moldova began dismantling the last barbed wire fences along its border with Romania, Moldovan officials said, according to AFP. “In every region there are dismantlement plans that must be adhered to without fail,” Prime Minister Vlad Filat said Wednesday, according to his spokesman Igor Volnitchi. …

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Turkey rejects EU call for withdrawal from northern Cyprus

Turkey said Wednesday it would not withdraw troops from the divided island of Cyprus, rejecting a call from the European Parliament (EP). European lawmakers on Wednesday endorsed a resolution that urged Turkey to start prompt withdrawal of troops from Cyprus, a Mediterranean island divided into the Turkish north and Greek …

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EP passes resolutions on Macedonia, Croatia and Turkey

The European Parliament (EP) approved a resolution by Slovenian lawmaker Zoran Thaler on Wednesday (February 10th) which recommended the EU to set dates for start of membership talks with Macedonia. The draft was supported by 548 lawmakers, 45 voted against it and 35 abstained. The document recommended that Macedonia quickly …

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Cypriot president to proceed with reunification talks

Cypriot President Demetris Christofias said that he will continue talks aimed at uniting the island, despite criticism from his former coalition partner, the Movement for Social Democracy (KS-EDEK). The party accuses him of making strategic mistakes in talks with the Turkish Cypriots. The KS-EDEK announced on Monday that it is …

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Pieter Feith says strategy for northern Kosovo will be sent to Belgrade

International Civilian Representative Pieter Feith said on Tuesday (February 9th) that the strategy for Serb-dominated northern Kosovo will be forwarded to Belgrade authorities, though not for consultation. Austrian news agency APA reports that Feith expects it will take time for Serbia to accept it the strategy, which has the EU’s …

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Positive Overall Verdict for Macedonia, Croatia

The European Parliament has given a positive overall verdict to Croatia and Macedonia for their efforts in the EU accession process last year. In resolutions debated and approved in Strasbourg on Wednesday, the European Parliament commended the work undertaken by the two countries, according to a parliament press release issued …

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Medvedev congratulates Yanukovych

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev congratulated Viktor Yanukovych on Thursday on his victory in Ukraine’s presidential election. “Medvedev has congratulated Yanukovych on the completion of the election campaign, which was given a high assessment by international observers, and his victory in the presidential election,” the Kremlin said in a statement.

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Austrian FM to visit Serbia

Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger will arrive in Serbia on Wednesday for a one-day official visit. He will meet with Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić, PM Mirko Cvetković and one of his deputies, Božidar Đelić. According to announcements, they will discuss the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) …

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EP to discuss Macedonia’s progress towards EU

European parliament will debate the progress that Croatia, Macedonia and Turkey have made on the road to joining the European Union. EP Committee on Foreign Affairs has adopted amendments on Macedonia’s draft-resolution, which urges EU to set a date for start of accession talks with Macedonia in March.

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