Eurasia News

Turkey, Albania scrap visa requirements

Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday that Albania-Turkey agreement, lifting visa requirements for natioanals of the two countries, enters into effect on Wednesday. Albanian foreign ministry said scrapping the visa obligations started on January 27th and now the citizens of both counters are entitled to visa-free travel.

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Macedonia To Present “Name” Strategy

Macedonia will present a structured state strategy at the coming meeting with the UN “name” mediator, Matthew Nimetz, in Skopje on February 23, President George Ivanov said. He noted that top state officials were in constant coordination with Nimetz and that Macedonian negotiator Zoran Jolevski had already forwarded him the …

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Serbia accepts Bosnian Ambassador

Serbia has agreed to accept the appointment of a new ambassador from Bosnia, ending a three-year diplomatic impasse between the two countries, Bosnia’s foreign ministry has announced. The ministry said in a statement that Belgrade’s approval resulted from a series of trilateral meetings between the foreign ministers of Bosnia, Serbia …

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Greece: Serbia will join EU in 2014

Greek Ambassador in Serbia Dimosthenis Stoidis said that Serbia will become EU member state by 2014. Ambassador Stoidis said that Serbia has a chance to continue its road towards EU besides the current economic crisis, following his meeting with Novi Pazar mayor Meho Mahmutovic. “Greece is our great friend and …

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Ivanov: Macedonia shall not change its stance on name issue

Macedonian top officials are in constant coordination regarding name dispute with Greece and Macedonia’s stance has been announced to US Ambassador and Macedonian name negotiator Zoran Jolevski. Macedonian President Gjorgje Ivanov made the remarks following the question about whether Macedonian authorities share the same stance on name issue.

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Bosnian Serb Parliament to Discuss Referendum

The parliament of Bosnia’s Serb dominated entity, Republika Srpska, will hold a special session on Tuesday to discuss a draft law on referendum in defiance of repeated calls by the international community against the move. The draft law which is to be discussed was submitted to the parliament in January …

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Matthew Nimetz to visit Macedonia

Matthew Nimetz has accepted the invitation send by Macedonian officials to visit Skopje on February 23rd, Macedonian Foreign Ministry said. UN special envoy in the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece will visit Skopje following the invitation send by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is not known whether he …

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Bulgarian, Romanian PMs to discuss Danube Bridge 2

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov and his Romanian counterpart Emil Boc are scheduled to meet on February 12 2010 to reassess the future development of the Dunav Most 2 (Danube Bridge 2) construction project, said on February 9 2010. Danube Bridge 2, which is set to link the Bulgarian …

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Russian Ambassador: Cooperation with the Bulgarian President and Prime Minister is in mutual benevolent direction

I believe that we have managed to establish mutual fellowship with the new elected Prime Minister and colleagues of the Cabinet. Therefore my major efforts are for further strengthening and stabilization of the traditionally strong relations of our countries in all fields of mutual interest, Russian Ambassador to Bulgaria Yuriy …

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