Eurasia News

Croatian Presidential Election goes to Run-off

After nearly all votes from the Croatian presidential elections had been counted late on Sunday, the country’s electoral commission announced that a run-off will have to be called between the leftist opposition candidate and the long-time mayor of Zagreb. Preliminary results of the presidential elections held on Sunday put Ivo …

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Montenegrin PM: Montenegro won’t wait for ICJ decision

Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Đukanović said that Podgorica will not wait to establish diplomatic relations with Priština. “There should be no more hiding behind alibis, with expectations that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague will give some kind of explicit negation of the total policies of the …

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Sejdiu urge Vatican to recognize Kosovo

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu sent a Christmas card to Pope Benedict and urged Vatican to recognize Kosovo’s independence as soon as possible. “Citizens of Kosovo can hardly wait Vatican to recognize their country. Vatican is an example of peace, harmony and good ethnic relations and I hope next year Vatican …

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Serbian Deputy PM: Serbia’s EU membership by 2014 less than probable

Serbia’s EU membership by 2014 is less than probable because of the long procedure and the unfinished cooperation with Hague Tribunal, Serbian Deputy PM Bozidar Djelic said. However, he believes that Serbia can reach EU candidate status very soon. Djelic pointed out that Serbia won’t change its position regarding Kosovo …

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Macedonian President Ivanov says euro-enthusiasm prevails in Macedonia

Euro-enthusiasm, not euro-skepticism, prevails in Macedonia given the fact that 95.96 percent of population hails the European Union, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov said. “We met the Copenhagen criteria, the criteria that must be met by countries aspiring to join the bloc. However, we were not allowed to start the EU …

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Greece to open borders for citizens of Macedonia

Although the name issue is unsolved, Greek borders will be officially opened for citizens of Macedonia on Saturday. Macedonian PM gave himself the credit for visa liberalization, adding that the only necessary document for Greece would be a piece of paper, which would get stamped at Greek customs. Greek Minister …

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Turkey wants ‘peace’ with Armenia and Azeris

Turkey’s foreign minister says peace between Ankara, Azerbaijan and Armenia is “close” after a meeting with his Azeri counterpart. Ahmet Davutoglu said: “I think an impetus was created recently, and all sides, not only Azerbaijan and Armenia but also the Minsk group have to do their best to

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Croatians to elect a new president

The people of Croatia are preparing to vote for a new head of state on Suday with no fewer than 12 candidates vying for the post. The winner will inherit a country hit hard by the global economic crisis – a country told to step up its fight against corruption …

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