Eurasia News

Egypt reiterates Support for Haftar and Libyan National Army

In an interview on Tuesday, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi reiterated Egypt’s support of General Khalifa Hafter and his self-proclaimed “Libyan National Army” (LNA). “It is our country’s priority to back up national armies, for example in Libya, to assert control over Libyan territories and deal with extremist elements,” said …

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Egypt says it hasn't sent troops to Syria

An Egyptian military source on Thursday denied media reports claiming that Egypt had sent fighter pilots to Syria to assist the Assad regime against armed opposition groups. “Egypt does not send [military] forces abroad without an official announcement by its national defense council and council of ministers,” the source, who …

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UN mission in Central African Republic steps up patrols after rival armed groups clash in Bria

The UN Integrated Multifaceted Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) stepped up patrols and called for an immediate end to violence after the clashes that broke out on Monday in Bria town, a press release said here Tuesday. According to the press release, the clashes broke out between …

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At least 16 dead, thousands displaced in CAR clashes

Clashes between rival armed groups in the Central African Republic have left at least 16 people dead and several thousand civilians displaced, the UN said on Wednesday, warning of “targeted assassinations” against ethnic Fulani. “There have been at least 16 confirmed death and thousands displaced,” Vladimir Monteiro, spokesperson for the …

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DRC governor appeals for calm after Pygmy-Bantu clashes

Violent clashes between Pygmy and Bantu people have erupted once again in southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, a provincial governor said on Wednesday, appealing for calm. But Richard Ngoyi Kitamala, the governor of Tanganyika, denied reports that there had been “killings” in Muswaki, about 70km east of the provincial capital …

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Boko Haram jihadists kill five in Nigeria

Boko Haram jihadists have raided three villages in northeastern Nigeria, killing five people and setting fire to several homes and fields, residents told AFP on Thursday. Armed members of the extremist group on Wednesday sped into the villages of Huyum, Sabongarin Huyum and Wasada on motorbike, killing five villagers and …

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UN welcomes mediations in Sebha

UNSMIL expressed regrets over the flare-up of tribal fighting in Sebha which claimed the lives of 20 people and injured over 50 others. The mission welcomed in statement Monday the ongoing reconciliation efforts, appealing to the national and local authorities to prevent further escalations. Head of UNSMIL, Martin Kobler offered …

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Libyan minister resigns over Benghazi bloodshed

Khaled Najm, media minister in Libya’s Tobruk-based government, has announced his resignation citing a recent deterioration of security in the eastern city of Benghazi. The move came in the immediate wake of a bombing that rocked a Benghazi school on Monday, which left three people dead — including two children …

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French Foreign Minister rules out military solution to Libyan crisis.

French Foreign Minister, Jan mark Airolt, expressed concern over developments in Libya, Yemen, and Iraq. The French Minister ruled out in statement quoted by the Algerian news agency, Monday a military solution to the Libyan, Yemeni and the Iraqi crisis. He said fighting daesh should only be through the military …

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