Eurasia News

Archaeologist Presents Precious Medieval Finds from Second Bulgarian State

BULGARIA Bulgaria’s top archaeologist, Professor Nikolay Ovcharov, presented Wednesday the artifacts and jewelry that he discovered recently in Veliko Tarnovo, the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396 AD). Ovcharov has discovered the remains of the medieval St. Peter and St. Paul Monastery and the St. Ivan of Rila Church, …

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Ethnos, Greece: Skopje attacked over issue with Bulgaria

ATHENS, Greece After the Bulgarians, Menduh Thaci too will demand that FYROM’s accession to NATO be halted but this time by Albania, the Greek newspaper Ethnos reports. The leader of the Democratic Part of Albanians (DPA) announced that over the next several days he would visit Sofia and meet with …

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Russia to boost Abkhazia presence

Russia is to spend almost $500m (£300m) next year reinforcing its military bases in Georgia’s breakaway region of Abkhazia, the prime minister says. Vladimir Putin’s announcement came as he arrived in Abkhazia for talks. He said Russia was committed to defending and financing the small strip of land in Georgia’s …

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Minister murdered in Ingushetia

Another assassination has taken place in the unstable Caucasus region of southern Russia. The Ingushetian construction minister Ruslan Amerkhanov was shot dead by two unknown gunman this morning who walked into his office in Magas not far from the capital, and opened fire. Ingushetia is suffering from a rebellion by …

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Putin visits Abkhazia, vows Russian defense

SUKHUMI, Georgia Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin made a surprise visit to the breakaway region of Abkhazia on Wednesday, pledging half a billion dollars to strengthen the defenses of the Moscow-backed rebel enclave. Russia recognized Abkhazia and another breakaway region, South Ossetia, as independent states last year after Russian troops …

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Ukraine aide says Medvedev charge aimed at nation

KIEV, Ukraine Accusations made by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that Kiev carries out anti-Russian policies were aimed at Ukraine and not just President Viktor Yushchenko, his senior aide said on Wednesday. Medvedev on Tuesday warned energy security in the region was at risk due to Yushchenko’s policies toward Russia, in …

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Government Says Ohrid Accord Is Alive

MACEDONIA Opposition claims that the 2001 Ohrid Peace Accord is a dead letter are unfounded, Macedonia’s Deputy Prime Minister Abdilakim Ademi says. The pact ended that year’s short-lived ethnic Albanian insurgency, promising the country’s largest minority official recognition of its language and culture and positive discrimination in state employment.

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Liderul PLDM, Vlad Filat, a avut o întrevedere cu ex-premierul Ion Sturza

MOLDOVA Vlad Filat, liderul Partidului Liberal Democrat din Moldova (PLDM), a avut marţi o întrevedere cu ex-premierul Ion Sturza. Cei doi au luat masa împreună la un restaurant din Chişinău. Acum cîteva zile, fiind solicitat de presă să spună dacă Ion Sturza ar putea fi candidatul coaliţiei de guvernare la …

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În caz de recunoaştere a alegerilor, prima şedinţă a Parlamentului trebuie să fie convocată până la 29 august

Curtea Constituţională (CC) va examina raportul Comisiei Electorale Centrale (CEC) cu privire la rezultatele alegerilor parlamentare anticipate din 29 iulie într-o şedinţă plenară vineri, 14 august. În caz de recunoaştere a alegerilor şi validare a mandatelor de deputat, preşedintele R. Moldova va trebui să convoace Parlamentul de legislatura a XVIII …

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