Eurasia News

UN chief condemns attack on UN peacekeeping mission in Mali

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday condemned an attack against UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, known as MINUSMA, which killed one peacekeeper and injured four others. Earlier on Sunday, an improvised explosive device attack against MINUSMA took place at south of Aguelhok, a town in the Kidal Region of eastern …

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EU extends EUBAM mission to Libya

The European Union(EU) on Thursday extended the mandate of the border assistance mission to Libya, EUBAM Libya, until Aug. 21, 2017, according to a press release issued by the Council of the EU. It also approved a budget of 17 million euros (18.94 million U.S. dollars) for the period from …

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Egyptian FM to meet Libyan parliament delegation

A delegation from the Libyan parliament is set to meet with Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry on Sunday. The meeting will discuss the ongoing situation in Libya and seek political solutions between the different parties of the dispute. The delegation arrived in Cairo on Saturday and is headed …

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South Sudan accepts deployment of regional force

An African regional bloc says South Sudan’s government has accepted the deployment of a regional force to the country, almost a month after fighting erupted between opposing army factions. South Sudan had previously rejected an outside force, but the head of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development said that the government …

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Libyan forces prepare 'decisive' assault against IS stronghold

Libya pro-government forces backed by US air strikes said on Sunday they would soon launch a final assault to retake the coastal city of Sirte from the Islamic State jihadist group. “The countdown of the final stage of the military operations against Daesh has started,” forces loyal to the Tripoli-based …

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UN soldier killed, four injured in Mali blast

A United Nations peacekeeper was killed and four others were injured on Sunday when their vehicle struck an explosive device in northeast Mali, the UN said. The incident occurred 11km south of Aguelhoc-Anefis in the Kidal region, the UN force in Mali, Minusma, said in a statement. The vehicle was …

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Kerry to discuss security issues during visit to Kenya

US Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Kenya this month for talks with President Uhuru Kenyatta over regional security. Presidential spokesperson Manoah Esipisu said on Sunday Kerry would hold discussions with Kenyatta and Foreign Affairs Minister Amina Mohammed on the upheaval in South Sudan and security in violence-plagued Somalia.

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Seven suspected rebels killed in east DRC

Suspected Rwandan rebels killed seven people overnight in a region of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo that has been shaken by ethnic violence, local officials said on Monday. Armed assailants torched 60 houses in Kibirizi and killed their victims with machetes or shot them dead, Deogratias Kitabingwa, the regional governor’s …

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Mali: army captain shot dead in Timbuktu

A captain of the Malian army was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Timbuktu in northern Mali Sunday night, a military source told Anadolu Agency late Monday. According to a Malian officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media,”Hamatta Ag Oumalha, …

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Fresh clashes in South Sudan's Nasir town

Fresh fighting erupted on Sunday between troops of South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir and those loyal to former deputy President Riek Machar in Nasir town, Upper Nile State, spokesperson for Kiir’s government troops, Lul Ruia Koang, said on Monday. The clashes followed renewed fighting between the rival army factions on …

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