Eurasia News

China, Algeria discuss cooperation against terrorism

China and Algeria on Monday expressed their will to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fight against terrorism, visiting Special Representative of Chinese Foreign Minister Wu Sike said. He said his visit aims at exchanging views on ways to enhance bilateral cooperation in political and economic fields and security, including the …

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Ban calls for arms embargo, sanctions against South Sudan

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on Monday for an immediate arms embargo against South Sudan in response to an outbreak of heavy fighting that has left hundreds dead. Ban also appealed to the UN Security Council for targeted sanctions against South Sudanese leaders and commanders blocking implementation of a …

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Three killed in anti-government protest in Mali

Three demonstrators were killed in northern Mali on Tuesday, a medical source said, in a protest concentrated on a contentious peace accord that Mali has been struggling to enact. Demonstrators said security forces opened fire when hundreds of young people set off on a banned march in the city of …

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UN seeks to raise $952m in aid for Sudan

The United Nations on Tuesday launched a global appeal for $952m to fund Sudan’s humanitarian needs in 2016…most of it to help people affected by the deadly conflict in Darfur. The much delayed appeal expects to address the humanitarian needs of up to 4.6 million people, including tens of thousands …

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EU, US urge Libya factions to cooperate for country's progress

Many nations have encouraged Libya to cooperate to restore the countries oil production and exports to support the rebuilding of Libya. In a joint statement released on Wednesday, the governments of Germany, France, United Kingdom and the United States, all invited the agreement between Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) head, …

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Germany extends military patrols off Libyan coast

The EU mission off the Libyan coast has been extended by the German parliament to comprise measures to dissuade weapon smugglers. However, the opposition argues that the main aim of the missions should be to focus on rescuing the migrants. The German parliament has extended patrols by two naval ships …

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AU to withdraw troops from Somalia in 2020

The African Union said it plans to pull its soldiers out of Somalia where they are fighting jihadists by December 2020, according to a statement issued Wednesday. The “exit strategy” formulated by the AU’s Peace and Security Council calls for the staggered withdrawal of 22 000 troops in the AU …

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Indian PM starts tour in Africa

India’s prime minister has kicked off a four-nation African tour on a continent where China’s presence has been strong, including countries that haven’t been visited by an Indian leader in more than three decades. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s trip is meant to raise India’s profile in energy, trade and investment. …

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US calls for immediate end to S Sudan conflict

The United States urged an immediate end to violence in South Sudan on Sunday after fresh clashes left scores dead in the capital, threatening the young nation’s shaky peace deal. The battles are the first between the army and ex-rebels in Juba since rebel leader Riek Machar returned in April …

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