Eurasia News

Greece to start talks with Egypt, Cyprus on maritime boundaries

Greece will launch consultations with Egypt and Greek Cyprus to establish maritime boundaries in the eastern Mediterranean, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on April 29. Tsipras, who was visiting Greek Cyprus, said those boundaries – which are normally a precursor to a state licensing for offshore oil and gas exploration …

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Hollande calls on Lebanon to elect a new president

France opposes foreign intervention in Lebanon but will do its best to encourage the election of a new president as soon as possible, French President François Hollande said Tuesday. “France is ready to take initiative in international gatherings to speed up the presidential election process,” Hollande told Maronite Patriarch Beshara …

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Mali main rebel group pledge to sign peace deal in May

Rebels from northern Mali have told mediators they will initial a long-delayed United Nations-brokered peace proposal on the future of Mali’s north next month, a spokesman for the lead separatist group said late on Sunday. The government, based in the capital Bamako in the country’s south, and another coalition of …

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Mali pro-government armed groups seize northern town of Menaka

Pro-government armed groups in Mali seized the northern town of Menaka from Tuareg separatists on Monday during fierce fighting, a spokesman for the group and a resident said. The clashes come after months of relative calm and risk derailing a fragile United Nations peace process that aims to settle the …

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Poroshenko wants referendum on country's NATO membership

The Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko has said Thursday that the issue of the country’s NATO membership will be decided by referendum. During an official visit in Paris, France, Poroshenko said NATO membership was one of the “fundamental issues” for Ukraine.

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Ukraine calls on allies for arms supplies

Ukraine urged its allies to send it weapons and accused rebels of persistent ceasefire violations as NATO warned about an increase in Russian troop movement both near and across the border. “The Ukrainian army needs weapons to defend Ukraine,” Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk told lawmakers in Kyiv on Friday. “And …

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Report shows over a thousand civilians killed in Yemen by Houthi militias

The head of a local committee tasked with assessing the needs of humanitarian relief for Yemen said that around 1,000 people are registered to have been killed by Houthi militias or their allies. These deaths have been recorded across Aden, Taiz and Dhale’, Izzudine Al-Asbahi said. In Taiz alone, there …

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