Eurasia News

Ukraine declares state of emergency in Donetsk and Luhansk

 The Ukrainian government has declared a state of emergency in the eastern part of the country. “The Ukrainian government has decided to institute the state of emergency in Donetsk and Luhansk,” said the prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who spoke after a cabinet meeting in Kiev. Yatsenyuk also announced that a special commission chaired …

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EU leaders express concern over deterioration of Ukraine security situation

Leaders of the 28-member EU Tuesday expressed concern about the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine. “We condemn the killing of civilians during the indiscriminate shelling of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol on 24 January 2015. We note evidence of continued and growing support given to the separatists …

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76 militants in N. Pakistan during airstrikes

At least 76 militants including foreigners were killed in fresh air strikes on Tuesday carried by Pakistan military in North Waziristan tribal region bordering Afghanistan, said military. A statement by Pakistan military’s Inter Services Public Relations said that precise aerial strikes targeting militant hideouts in Datta Khel area of North …

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Tension grows near Turkish border with Syria as Kurds advance in Kobane

Turkey’s border with Syria has again witnessed tension in the wake of Kurdish forces’ success in driving jihadists from Kobane, with Ankara contrastingly attracting international applause and domestic opprobrium over the affair. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, meanwhile, slammed the Kurdish parties fighting there for ruining the town, once home …

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Pak President expresses wish for cordial relations with India

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif felicitated the people of India on Republic Day and reiterated Islamabad’s desire for cordial relations between the two countries, in a letter to his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi. “Pakistan remains committed to developing cordial relations with India on the basis of sovereign equality, mutual respect …

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Egyptian army exchange fire with militants in North Sinai

The armed forces killed 3 militants in an exchange of fire in Al-Arish and arrested 68 others during armed forces operations between 21 January and 26 January, according to a military spokesman statement released Tuesday. Out of the 68 arrested, 17 were “wanted” and 40 were “suspects”. One of them …

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Egypt to apply for North Africa candidacy on UNSC

Egypt intends to propose a special clause in the African Union (AU) for its role as a mediator in African disputes, according to a foreign ministry statement on Monday. The move will also outline Egypt’s offer to host a headquarters of the African Union Center for post-conflict reconstruction. The statement …

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9 soldiers killed during clashes in Eastern Ukraine

Fighting in east Ukraine over the last 24 hours has killed at least nine soldiers and wounded 29, the military said today , as rebels fought to secure more territory in the war zone. “Nine soldiers were killed and 29 injured in the (war zone) during the last 24 hours,” …

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UN to hold special meeting on Ukraine

The United Nations Security Council plans to hold a special meeting on Monday focusing on the violence in eastern Ukraine. The meeting was convened by Lithuania, a rotating member of the council, at Kiev’s request and will begin at 3pm (2000 GMT).

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At least 15 dead during Egypt revolt anniversary clashes

Clashes between protesters and security forces left at least 15 people dead on Sunday, the anniversary of Egypt’s 2011 revolt that toppled strongman Hosni Mubarak. Security had been tightened in Cairo and other cities after Islamists called for protests against the government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the former army …

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