Eurasia News

Libya crisis worsens after court rules June elections unconstitutional

Libya’s Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the June election that produced an internationally recognised legislature and government was unconstitutional, further deepening a political divide that has fuelled months of militia fighting. The court issued its ruling from the capital Tripoli, which is controlled by Islamist-allied militias from the powerful …

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U.S. commander says coalition would be benefit if Turkey opens air bases for anti-ISIL operations

The U.S.-led coalition fighting against Islamic jihadists in Iraq and Syria would benefit from Turkey’s permission to use its airbases, a U.S. commander has said. “When and if the Turks decide to be more forthcoming in helping the coalition, it will clearly be value-added,” Gen. Lloyd Austin, commander of U.S. …

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Over 40 killed in Syria clashes

At least 40 people have been killed in clashes between Syrian regime forces and opposition fighters including Al-Qaeda’s local affiliate in the south of the country, a monitor said today. The forces were killed yesterday, during fighting in Beit Tima, a majority-Druze region in southeastern Damascus province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. 

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32 Tanks from Russia enter Ukraine

A column of 32 tanks and other heavy weapons has entered Ukraine from Russia, the Ukrainian military said today, after the latest fighting left five dead and at least 31 injured. Military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said a convoy made up of 32 tanks, 16 howitzer cannons and 30 trucks of troops and …

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US conducts 14 airstrikes against ISIL in Syria and Iraq

US military forces continued to attack the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) with 14 combined airstrikes between the 3rd and 5th of November over Syria and Iraq, announced US Central Command(CENTCOM) in Tampa, Florida Wednesday. In Syria, where the airstrikes are led by the US, three airstrikes …

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Fabius, Kerry discuss Mideast situation

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius hosted talks here Wednesday with US Secretary-of-State John Kerry on developments in the international talks on Iran’s controversial nuclear programmes and also other crises, including the Ebola epidemic and the situation in the Middle East. In a brief statement after the meeting, both officials portrayed …

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EU worried of ceasefire violation in Eastern Ukraine

The EU Wednesday said it is “particularly worried” about continuing violation of the ceasefire, the resulting losses of lives and increasing numbers of internally displaced persons in Eastern Ukraine. EU High Representative Federica Mogherini in a statement tonight called for a withdrawal of illegal and foreign forces, mercenaries and military …

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Turkey fears new refugee wave from Syria

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has accused Syrian forces of committing massacres in and around Aleppo and said Turkey would face a major new refugee crisis if Syria’s second city were to fall into his hands. As U.S. warplanes bomb Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) forces in parts of …

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Libya calls for UN support amid clashes with militias

An Islamist Libyan militia on Sunday said it had captured the main airport in the capital Tripoli from a rival militia. “The forces of Libya’s Dawn have been able to enter the airport after taking control of the strategic Naqlia base,” Alaa al-Heweik, a spokesperson for the militia, told independent …

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Obama to ask Congress for new authorization to fight ISIL

U.S. President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that he will ask Congress for a new authorization to use military force against the Islamic State extremist group. The president was outlining his near-term agenda for joint work with Congress, one day after the Republicans gained control of both chambers in Tuesday’s midterm elections …

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