Eurasia News

Morsi trial delayed for February 22

Egypt’s Cairo Criminal Court decided to delay the trial of ousted president Mohamed Morsi and some 130 others in the 2011 jailbreak case to Feb. 22. The defending team asked to postpone the trial so as to study the case’ documents.

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UN, France condemn Egypt violence

The French foreign ministry and the United Nations have condemned the violence in Egypt, including the series of bomb attacks on Friday and the violent clashes between demonstrators and security forces on Saturday.

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EU says doors is still open for Ukraine

The EU remains ready to sign an Association Agreement with Ukraine, a statement of European Council President Herman Van Rompuy read. Speaking after a meeting with Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw,

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EU Delegation calls on Ukraine to engage dialogue

The EU’s Heads of Missions have called on the Ukrainian government to deliver on its promises made in the negotiations with the opposition, and to continue the dialogue. “EU Heads of Missions in Kyiv welcome recent talks between government and opposition. We call upon

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Syrian peace dialogue focused on transitional gov’t

The Syrian Government and Opposition on Monday began discussing the formation of a transitional government, in what moderators predict will be the most difficult stage of the first talks to end the three—year conflict. The two sides are expected to negotiate a legal framework for the authority, to be comprised …

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Ukraine: justice minister threatens with state of emergency

Ukraine’s Justice Minister Olena Lukash on Jan. 27 warned she could call for a state of emergency after radical protesters seized her ministry in the centre of Kiev. Lukash, who is a participant in negotiations between the opposition and President Viktor Yanukovych

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