Eurasia News

EU condemns police use of force against Kiev protesters

The European Union (EU) on Wednesday condemned the actions of Ukrainian police on Tuesday night against protestors from the city hall in Kiev and urged the authorities to stop violent actions. “Last night’s events in the Independence Square in Kiev have shown the conscious choice that the Ukrainian authorities appear to …

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EU pledges support for Ukraine

European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule on Monday addressed the European Parliament that the European Union (EU) is standing ready to help and support Ukraine.

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Two French soldiers killed in CAR’s capital

Two French soldiers have been killed in combat in Central African Republic’s capital, President Francois Hollande’s office announced Tuesday. A mob on Monday stoned to death a suspected enemy in the street, and armed fighters have abducted and killed hospital patients.

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Moldova’s Constitutional Court decides the official language is Romanian

Moldova’s Constitutional Court ruled Thursday to recognize the “Romanian” as official language in the country instead of “Moldavian”. The Declaration of Independence, signed in 1990, mentions that the official language of Moldova is “Romanian,” yet, the Constitution

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