Eurasia News

Afghan refugees in Pakistan to return home by end of 2015

Pakistan’s government informed the Lower House of the cabinet that it has planned to send the Afghan refugees back home by December 2015. The Federal Minister for States and Frontier Regions retired Lt Gen Abdul Qadir Baloch told the National Assembly on Thursday that the government has planned to complete …

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Hague welcomes US-Russian agreement on Syria

 Foreign Secretary William Hague and Arab League Secretary General Nabil El-Araby stressed late Wednesday that it was important to implement the US-Russian agreement in regards to the chemical weapons in Syria. A statement by the British Foreign Ministry said that Hague and El-Araby meeting also touched the Mideast peace process …

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160 UN peacekeepers in Mali desert over pay dispute

A group of 160 Chadian troops from the United Nations peacekeeping force in Mali have deserted their posts in a dispute over pay and conditions, a military source and the soldiers themselves said Sept. 17. A Chadian army captain claiming to be the leader of the deserters said his men …

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NATO says Syria military option should stay open

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Wednesday that the threat of military action should remain on the table to make Syria keep its promises on giving up chemical weapons. Speaking after he met British Prime Minister David Cameron in London, Rasmussen welcomed the recent US-Russian agreement under which the …

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Barroso expressed position in favour of Bulgarian, Romanian Schengen entry

The President of the European Commission (EC) Jose Manuel Barroso has reaffirmed his strong position in favour of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen area. Barroso said that both Bulgaria and Romania have met the criteria for Schengen area membership and should be given a chance to enter the zone as soon as possible.

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Libya calls for foreign help to restore stability

Libya’s prime minister on Tuesday appealed to the outside world to help restore security, as it combats political chaos and tries to restart oil exports, crippled by protesters at a cost of $130m a day in lost income. Ali Zeidan met with his British counterpart David Cameron, who two years …

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Egypt increases efforts to restore stability across the country

Director of the media division at Egypt’s Interior Ministry, Brig. Gen. Ayman Helmy, informed Asharq Al-Awsat that 121 police officers were killed, and 1,082 injured, as part of operations to restore stability across the country following the nation-wide Muslim Brotherhood protests in response to former president Mohamed Mursi’s ouster. He added that …

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