Eurasia News

Serbian President visits Bulgaria

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić is on Wednesday traveling to Bulgaria for an official two-day visit to the neighboring country. Nikolić will meet with Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev and Bulgarian top officials, states a release issued by the president’s press service. During the official visit, a Serbian-Bulgarian Forum entitled “Sofia 2013” …

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Serbian minister says there are no new requirements for EU integration

The European Commission “supports Serbia’s efforts towards EU integration and has no new requirements,” says Branko Ružić. The minister without portfolio in in the Serbian government in charge of EU integration spoke on Tuesday after he and head of Serbia’s team for EU

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Turkey says UN report shows that Syrian gov’t is responsible for chemical attack

After the release of a UN report, Turkey claimed to be certain that the chemical weapons attack in Damascus on Aug. 21 was committed by the Syrian regime, both in a written statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tuesday’s statements from Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. Saying …

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Turkey says helicopter shooting will not change the Geneva process on Syria

The shooting down of a Syrian helicopter by Turkish fighter jets on Monday after it crossed into Turkish airspace will not affect the deal that Washington and Moscow arrived at in Geneva on Syria’s chemical weapons, a senior Turkish diplomat said. When the news of the downing

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Egypt partially reopens Gaza crossing

Egypt partially reopened its border crossing with the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, a week after it was closed in response to a deadly attack on an Egyptian military headquarters near the frontier. Witnesses said two buses took 100 passengers into Egypt through the Rafah crossing, the main window to the world for the Gaza Strip’s …

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Algeria supports consensus in Tunisia

The president of Algeria, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, met with both Rached Ghannouchi and Beji Caid Essebsi separately on back to back days last week. The meetings came just as a mediation effort led by Tunisia’s largest union, the UGTT, has stalled. Comments by political leaders and analysts suggest a potential mediating …

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