Eurasia News

Iranian President says a US strike on Syria will be “in nobody’s interest”

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Wednesday that a U.S. strike on Syria will be “in nobody’s interest” and nobody will benefit from it. “As the Islamic republic has already said, any (military) measure against Syria is in the disadvantage of both the region and the United States’ friends,” Rouhani said. 

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Assad warns against strike, says chaos and extremism will spread

France released an intelligence report on Monday alleging chemical weapons use by Syria’s regime that dovetailed with similar U.S. claims, as Syrian President Bashar Assad warned that any military strike against his country would spark an uncontrollable regional war and spread “chaos and extremism.” “The Middle East is a powder …

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Iran to continue efforts for preventing Syria strike

Iranian President Hassan Rohani has said that Iran will continue efforts to prevent a possible military action against Syria by the United States. On Wednesday that U.S. President Barack Obama had won the backing of key figures in the U.S. Congress, including Republicans, in his call for limited U.S. strikes …

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Lebanon is against any foreign military intervention in Syria

Lebanese President Michel Suleiman said Wednesday that heis against any foreign military intervention in Syria and warned against any Lebanese involvement in the Syrian crisis. In a public speech, Suleiman expressed rejection against all scenarios that include a punitive military trike against the Syrian government for its alleged use of …

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Turkish PM and French President agree Assad’s chemical attack shouldn’t go unpunished

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and French President Francois Hollande, who held a meeting hours before the G-20 summit talks on the global economy in St. Petersburg started, agreed that President Bashar al-Assad’s recent chemical weapons attack in Damascus suburb should not go unpunished.

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Indian PM says at G20 that action on Syria should be under UN framework

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said that whatever action is required in Syria should be under the UN framework, amid growing pressure on US President Barack Obama from his Russian counterpart and other world leaders not to attack the Arab country.

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