Eurasia News

Turkish EU Minister says his country’s integration would boost EU’s growth

Turkey’s membership will contribute to EU growth, Turkish EU Minister Egemen Bagis said on Tuesday during a conference in Ankara on an EU project for capacity building in governorates. Bagis said Turkey would make the EU cake bigger, rather than reducing in size the slices of other EU member countries.

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Turkish Prime Minister is optimistic on solving conflict with Kurdish rebels peacefully

Turkey’s prime minister says he hopes this week’s Kurdish spring festival will herald the start of a peaceful resolution of the nearly 30-year-old conflict with Kurdish rebels. Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke Tuesday, ahead of Thursday’s spring festivities

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UN Secretary General will meet with Kovoso and Serbia’s prime ministers

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is to meet with the prime ministers of Kosovo and Serbia – Hashim Thaci and Ivica Dacic. The meeting will be held in New York in the frames of the debates on Kosovo during the UN Security Council meeting. The UN Security Council will debate …

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Serbian Preseidnt meets US vice president in Rome

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has said that “the information arriving in Washington did not correspond to the situation in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue”. The progress made in the dialogue was not being assessed correctly, he said after his meeting in Rome late on Monday with U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden.

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Romanian Defence Minister says US anti-missile shield will be deployed in 2015

Mircea Dusa, Romania’s defence minister said on Tuesday that United States plans to deploy anti-missile interceptors in Romania will continue and interceptors will be deployed in 2015. “I have very serious assurances from the American side that the investment in Romania will continue,” Dusa said.  

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