Eurasia News

Kosovo Comes Close to 100th Recognition

Pakistan became on Monday the 98th state to recognize Kosovo’s independence, moving the country a step closer to its strategic goal of achieving 100 recognitions by the end of 2012.“Pakistan has decided to accord recognition to the Republic of Kosovo. The decision has been made in accordance with the aspirations …

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Romania’s Govt to Push For Economic Reforms

Victor Ponta’s government aims to better relations with the IMF and improving economic climate.Romania’s new government, led by 40-years-old Victor Ponta, has won a landslide approval in the parliament and is aiming now to push through the 2013 budget and start negotiations with the IMF for the new international precautionary …

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Thaci Rejects Serbian Plans For North Kosovo

Kosovo Prime Minister dismisses Serbia’s “platform” for Kosovo, ruling out calls for special autonomy for the Serb-run north as well as territorial partition.Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, on Wednesday said that Serbia’s recently unveiled plans for Kosovo should be “filed away”, along with other failed projects. “That project will remain …

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Croatia Publishes List of War Veterans

The government has released a list of half a million former fighters in the independence war from 1991-1995 – in a drive to clamp down on the widespread abuse of veterans status.Three Ministers, of Defence, the Interior and Veterans, all three former soldiers, presented the registry, which has been published …

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Bosnia Urged To Put April Census on Hold

The International Monitoring Operation, which oversaw Bosnia’s test census, has recommended delaying the April census for at least six months.The external body monitoring Bosnia’s 2013 census has advised the authorities to postpone the headcount planned for April on the grounds that the country is insufficiently prepared. Andy McGuffie, of the …

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Romania’s New Govt Faces Economic Dilemma

Victor Ponta’s new government faces a challenge in reconciling Romania’s tough commitments to the IMF while carrying out its election pledge to ease the burden of austerity on the population.Romania’s Prime Minister-designate on Wednesday presented his new cabinet, which is expected to gain the backing of parliament on December 21. …

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Croatia Publishes List of War Veterans

The government has released a list of half a million former fighters in the independence war from 1991-1995 – in a drive to clamp down on the widespread abuse of veterans status.Three Ministers, of Defence, the Interior and Veterans, all three former soldiers, presented the registry, which has been published …

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Serbian Minister Calls on Miskovic to Reveal Names

Serbia’s minister in charge of corruption has said that at least 20 politicians were financed by tycoon Miroslav Miskovic, and that the Delta Holding owner should disclose their names.Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s deputy prime minister in charge of corruption, has called on Miskovic, the owner of Delta Holding, to reveal the …

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Serbia’s Top Officials Agree on Kosovo

Serbian officials confirmed a united stance on Kosovo while the President is set to present his Kosovo platform in the upcoming days.Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said that the country’s top officials agreed on Sunday night a unified state policy on Kosovo.”There is complete unity on the most important questions …

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