Eurasia News

US Election Won’t Affect Balkans, Ambassador Says

US ambassador to Serbia says presidential election will not make any difference to Washington’s policy towards the Balkans.US Ambassador to Serbia Michael Kirby said that Washingon’s policy towards the Balkans will remain unchanged regardless of the outcome of the November 6 presidential race between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The …

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Deal Ensures Montenegro Coalition Working Majority

The coalition that came first in the recent general election has signed an agreement with the ethnic minority parties, ensuring it a majority in parliament.Milo Djukanovic, head of the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, and the DPS-led “European Montenegro” coalition, which won 39 of 81 seats in the October …

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Croatia Offers to Help Kosovo-Serbia Talks

Ahead of a second meeting of Kosovo and Serbian prime ministers in Brussels, Croatian leader Zoran Milanovic has offered to help ease the dialogue.Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic has expressed support for the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and has offered his help, saying that Croatia has good relations with …

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Macedonia, Bulgaria Mull Joint Celebrations

Macedonia and Bulgaria may jointly celebrate Europe Day, Bulgarian recognition of Macedonian independence and the establishment of diplomatic ties, Macedonia’s President has suggested to his Bulgarian counterpart.Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov’s suggestion came in the form of a reply to a letter from Bulgaria’s head of state, Rosen Plevneliev, sent on …

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Albania Joins Hunt for Egyptian Dictator’s Billions

Prosecutors have asked a Tirana court to allow an investigation into possible money laundering by Egypt’s deposed strongman, Hosni Mubarak, his family and associates in Albania.The request follows receipt of a request for legal help from the Egyptian authorities, as they seek to trace and recover billions of dollars that …

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Romanian Consulate opened in Iraq’s Kurdistan region

Romania’s Foreign Minister opens his country’s consulate in ErbilThe Romanian Foreign Minister, Titus Corlăţean has opened his country’s consulate in Erbil, the capital city of Kurdistan region, in the presence of Erbil’s Governor, Nawzad Hadi and the President of the Presidium of the Kurdistan region, Fouad Hussein.

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