Eurasia News

Bulgaria President Talks Judicial Reform with EU General Court Delegation

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev and Vice President Margarita Popova discussed Monday judicial reform in the EU with Marc Jaeger, President of the General Court of the European Union, and his accompanying delegation. “The General Court of the European Union has the serious responsibility of being an engine for European integration. …

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Macedonia Opposition Rally Demands March Election

At an anti-government rally in Skopje on Sunday, Macedonia’s joint opposition bloc called for early general elections to be held along with the March local polls.Tens of thousands of opposition supporters on Sunday filled Skopje’s central square, demanding early elections and protesting against the government of Nikola Gruevski whose VMRO …

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Bosnians Believe Reconciliation is Vital for Their Future

More than 88 per cent of citizens in four Bosnian towns believe that the reconciliation process will “heavily influence the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, a research shows.The Centre for Empirical research into Religion in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the University in Edinburgh have carried out a joint research project …

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Serbian Govt Halts Sale of TV Avala

Serbia’s ruling Progressives have exerted pressure on Avala co-owner to halt the sale of the troubled broadcaster, which as a result faces bankruptcy and closure.Serbia’s ruling Progressive Party has exerted pressure on Zeljko Mitrovic, TV Avala co-owner, to cancel the contract for the sale of the station, Balkan Insight has …

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Croatian PM Set to Meet Pope Benedict XVI

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic will visit the Vatican on Monday, where he will be received by Pope Benedict XVI.The Croatian premier will hold a meeting with Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State and Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, and participate in a roundtable discussion on the 20 years …

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Montenegro ‘Nearing’ Agreement on Parliament

Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic has said that negotiations on forming a parliamentary majority in the country are in the final stages.After the parliament is formed, the new government and prime minister will be determined, Vujanovic said. Montenegro held parliamentary elections on October 14. “Negotiations on a coalition are in the …

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Germans, Dutch Says Greece’s Future in Euro Hangs in Balance

Germany and the Netherlands signaled that Greece’s future in the euro is not yet assured, as the northern neighbors sought to maintain pressure on Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras to hold to agreed reforms. “It’s not yet decided,” German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said in an interview with ZDF television, …

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Bulgaria does not block FYROM’s EU integration

The Bulgarian position at the European Council in December, during which the start of negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is planned for discussion, will entirely depend on how the government in Skopje continues or changes its current line of behaviour towards …

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Bulgarian Court Orders Mental Health Check for EU Flag Offender

The Sofia Regional Court has ordered a mental health check for a Bulgarian female who cut the flag of the European Union at the Supreme Court of Cassation building. 29-year-old Mariya Georgieva has been charged with hooliganism for damaging the EU flag; her mental health will be tested in a …

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Macedonia Mulls Ways to Tackle Baby Shortage

Macedonia plans fresh measures to boost population growth amind growing official panic over falling birthrate and rising number of pensioners.Amid talk of a growing demographic crisis in the country, Macedonia’s Social Affairs Minister, Spiro Ristovski, says the government is working on a new set of measures to combat what he …

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