Eurasia News

Serbian Pledge To Uphold Free Media Welcomed

Serbia’s new government has promised to bring in fresh legislation guaranteeing freedom of the media as well as acting on the basis of the media strategy – the key stategy document adopted by the last government.Bratislav Petkovic, Serbia’s Culture and Information Minister, said that the government will adopt a package …

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Kosovo’s Limaj May be Indicted in October

The investigation into alleged corruption in the Ministry of Transport may result in an indictment of former minister Fatmir Limaj being issued in October.Limaj, now an MP in parliament from the ranks of the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo, may be soon charged with corruption during his time as the …

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Bosnia Entities Adjust Budgets to Ease IMF Loan

The parliaments of Bosnia’s two entities, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska, have rebalanced their budgets as a condition for a new stand-by arrangement with the IMF.After the House of Representatives in the Federation entity supported the entity government’s rebalanced 2012 budget on Thursday, Bosnia is awaiting …

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Albania Socialists Fall Into Line on Immunity Reform

Reversing his previous position, Socialist leader Edi Rama said his party will vote in favour of government plas to reform immunity laws – even though the government has refused to consider other reforms proposed by the opposition.Socialist leader Edi Rama said he will not stand in the way of reforms …

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Bosnia: Witness describes paramilitaries raping Muslims

The Hague, 6 Sept. (AKI) – A prosecution witness in the trial of wartime Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic told the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on Thursday she witnessed how Serb paramilitaries raped Muslim women in Mladic’s hometown of Kalinovik in the summer of 1992.

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Kosovo Parliament to Ratify EULEX Deal

Parliament on Friday is expected to ratify Kosovo’s first bilateral agreement with the EU, extending the mandate of the EU rule of law mission, EULEX, till June 2014.The European Union has accepted Kosovo’s invitation to continue the mandate of its rule of law mission, BIRN sources said. The EU High …

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Macedonian Army Law Reveals Ethnic Split Among MPs

A debate in parliament over a controversial law on armed forces exposed predictable divisions between ethnic Macedonians who support it and Albanians who oppose it.The law, put forward by the main ruling VMRO DPMNE party, concerns the rights of members of the Macedonian armed forces who fought in the 2001 …

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EU: Serbia Does Not Have to Recognize Kosovo

Enlargement Commissioner repeats that Belgrade and Pristina must normalise ties – but Serbia’s diplomatic recognition of Kosovo is not crucial to its EU integration.The EU Enlargement Commissioner, Stefan Fuele, has denied that the European Union will inist on Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo before it can join the organization.

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