Eurasia News

Germany and UK urge Bosnia to make important steps towards EU and NATO

Germany and UK urged Bosnia on Tuesday to make important progress towards EU and NATO membership. “2012 can be the year when Bosnia-Hercegovina makes decisive strides towards both membership of the EU and NATO,” German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and his British counterpart William Hague said, according to the Bosnian …

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Bulgaria pledges to assist Armenia on European integration

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan received yesterday the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borisov. The two stressed that the friendly relation between the Armenia and Bulgaria represent a good reason for improvement and development of cooperation in different fields like culture, education, high technologies, energy, tourism, agriculture and others, in which, according to …

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Ukrainian President Yanukovych says the EU integration is high priority

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said on Monday that the European Union integration remains a priority for his country. “Ukraine’s integration into the European political, economic and judicial space, in other words its accession to the EU, is our priority,” Yanukovych said. Yanukovych added that the EU should ease visa requirements …

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UN envoy Matthew Nimetz is optimistic about name dispute between Athens and Skopje

The UN envoy in the Greek-Macedonian name issue, Matthew Nimetz, said he is optimistic for the name dispute between Skopje and Athens and he believes that the two sides can overcome their differences with consistency and real dialog. He said, however, that each side should take into account the interests …

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Georgia and Bulgaria have the same geopolitical challenges, says Georgian PM

Georgian Prime Minister Nika Gilauri said on Sunday after a joint conference with his Bulgarian counterpart that Georgia and Bulgaria have the same geopolitical challenges – relationship with Russia. “Borisov himself told me that recently he had to suspend two projects funded by Russia in Bulgaria – the construction of …

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Greece, Israel, Cyprus will enhance collaboration to exploit atural gas in the SE Mediterranean Sea

During a two-day forum on 28-29 March Greece, Israel and Cyprus enhanced collaboration on energy investments for exploiting natural gas reserves in southeastern Mediterranean Sea. It is expected that a trilateral memorandum in the fields of electricity and natural gas to be signed soon. “The axis of Greece, Cyprus and …

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Serbia detains two policemen from Kosovo

Serbian Interior Minister, Ivica Dacic announced in Belgrade that it seized two policemen from Kosovo on Serbian territory. The authorities in Pristina, say in turn that the two were kidnapped inside the territory of Kosovo. Belgrade said the two men were detained in the area of Merdare for breaching Serbia’s …

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