Eurasia News

Bosnia hopes to make progress towards NATO at May summit

Bosnia hopes to formally join Nato’s membership action plan during its May summit, a penultimate step to joining the alliance. Bosnian Defence Minister Muhamed Ibrahimovic said “We hope that during the Chicago summit, Bosnia-Hercegovina will join the membership action plan and that in September it will launch its first annual …

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Moldovan President says he speaks Romanian and not Moldovan

The newly elected President of Moldova Nicolae Timofti said on TV recently that he speaks Romanian and not Moldovan. “I speak in Romanian. I am not a jurist and thus I call a spade a spade. The Constitution reads that national language is Moldovan. But the Academy of Science says …

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Head of Greek Communist Party wants the country to leave both the EU and Eurozone

On Monday night, the head of the Greek Communist Party (KKE), Aleka Papariga, said on a local TV station that Greece needs to leave both the Eurozone and the European Union. Papariga said that “developments in Greece will change the dynamic of our ties abroad,” stressing that the country would …

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Belgium is the 25th EU member that ratifies SAA with Serbia

Belgium has ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) between Serbia and the EU. The SAA is the framework for contractual relations between the EU and countries of the Western Balkans. The ratification was completed on March 20. Romania and Lithuania are the only EU members of the 27 which …

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Chairman of the Bosnia Presidency says EU membership can be reached in 8 to 10 years

Chairman of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency Bakir Izetbegović said the country can become an EU member in 8 to 10 years. He said the prediction is a realistic time-frame. “It is realistic if we act responsibly, if we do not keep making delays of several years which have put us last …

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Czech President supports Bulgaria’s Schengen entry

Czech President Vaclav Klaus said on Tuesday that it supports Bulgaria’s entry into Schengen, adding that the problem will be solved soon, despite opposition from other EU members. “The Czech Republic fully supports Bulgaria’s Schengen accession. I believe that this issue will be resolved very soon,” Klaus said. The EU …

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