Eurasia News

ICTY prosecutors are ready for Mladic’s trial

Prosecution of the ICTY has filed around 28,000 exhibits and will be calling 410 witnesses to testify in the case of Ratko Mladic, Bosnian Serb war commander. The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, has filed approximately 27,906 exhibits in the case …

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Serb referendum continues on second day

The citizens are on Wednesda voting in the second day of a referendum called in the four predominantly Serb municipalities of northern Kosovo. The voting is continuing for a second day in Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvečan and Zubin Potok, while

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Azerbaijani ambassador to Georgia to discuss Azerbaijani cooperation in education

Azerbaijan’s new Ambassador to Georgia Azer Huseyn will visit the Sukhumi State University (SSU) on Wednesday. This university is temporarily located in Tbilisi. During the visit, which will be of an introductory character, Mr Huseyn and the university’s rector Joni Apakidze will discuss the prospects of deepening Georgian-Azerbaijani cooperation in …

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Serbia asks Hague to clarify reports on evidence destruction in Kosovo organ trafficking case

Serbian authorities have asked the Hague tribunal to clarify reports about the destruction of evidence linked to allegations of organ trafficking in Kosovo. Rasim Ljajic, the head of Serbia’s council for cooperation with the tribunal, has written to

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