Eurasia News

Romania to quuestion EC on labor restrictions

Romania will ask the European Commission whether the nine member states’ extending the labor restrictions for Romanian workers is justified, given the Accession Treaty, which envisages similar measures only in extraordinary cases. At the end of 2011, 11 EU member states imposed restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian workers – Belgium, …

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Moldova presidential election problem persists

Monday’s talks between the parties in the ruling Alliance for European Integration and communists did not bring a solution to the problem with the election of a president. After the meeting the MPs said this was a good beginning. The representative of the

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Serbia becomes CERN associate member

Serbian President Boris Tadić says Serbia’s accession to CERN accelerates the research process and provides an opportunity for economic development. “I am proud that we made a decision to join the project. Serbia’s accession to CERN

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Israeli defense minister visits Greece to boost cooperation

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Tuesday pledged to further expand blossoming military cooperation with Greece, at the start of an official visit to Athens. “We are committed to work together and deepen our relationship,” Barak said after talks with his Greek counterpart, Dimitris Avramopoulos.

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Kosovo crossings in Serbia fixed

Kosovo citizens can again enter Serbia at the Merdare border, after Belgrade fixed a technical glitch that had delayed crossings for several days. For three days in a row, hundreds of passengers were stuck at the main

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Germany urges Greece to respect debt deal

The latest in a series of Franco-German meetings to deal with the eurozone crisis saw little in the way of concrete decisions, but Chancellor Angela Merkel took the opportunity to warn Greece there will be no more money unless progress is made on details of the country’s second aid package. 

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