Eurasia News

France and Germany likely to block Montenegro’s EU talks

France and Germany plan to block the start of Montenegro’s EU membership talks, Montenegrin newspaper Vijesti writes, citing an unofficial document. According to the newspaper Paris and Berlin made a decision not to allow the negotiations to kick off at the summit in December and to set new requirements before …

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Greek PM agrees to coalition govt

Greek Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou has given his principle agreement to a coalition government, but he does not plan to resign, the Greek national television reported, citing government sources.

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CoE official meets with serb leaders in North Kosovo

CoE Political Affairs Committee Rapporteur on Kosovo Committee Bjorn von Sydow met in Kosovska Mitrovica with heads of four Serb municipalities in the north. The meeting on Wednesday focused on the situation on the ground, issues related to the return of property, internally displaced persons and Kosovska Mitrovica’s court, Sydow …

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EU urges dialogue in Kosovo case

Europe says the blame game over Serb-run northern Kosovo must end and the two sides need to return to the negotiating table. A European diplomat says Europe wants mutual accusations to end between Kosovo and Serbia over who

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Eurozone leaders to hold talks about Greece

The eurozone leaders will hold extraordinary talks about Greece, which unexpectedly decided to put the new EU bailout to a referendum. Athens has made one more surprise to the world. The government has supported Prime Minister Georgios Papandreu about

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Turkey hosts summit on Afghan future

Senior diplomats will gather in Turkey on Wednesday for a global conference aimed at mapping out the future of war-torn Afghanistan after Western troops depart. Representatives from 20 countries will join aid agency members at the talks in Istanbul almost 10 years after the Taliban were driven out of power …

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Greek cabinet backs George Papandreou’s referendum plan

Greece’s cabinet has given unanimous backing to a controversial plan by PM George Papandreou to hold a referendum on a EU debt rescue package. He told an emergency cabinet meeting that a referendum would offer “a clear mandate” for austerity measures demanded by other eurozone members. Stock markets recorded big …

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