Eurasia News

Clash between Kosovo Serbs and NATO

At least six Kosovo Serbs and four NATO troops were injured in clashes at a disputed border crossing on Tuesday, NATO officials and local authorities said. Eyewitnesses said troops from the NATO peacekeeping force KFOR fired teargas and rubber bullets to disperse a crowd rallying against the removal of a …

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Serbia’s parliament adopts last important laws for EU candidate status

By an unusually large majority, Serbia’s parliament has passed two bills that it hopes will help it secure EU candidate status in October. Serbian parliamentarians on Monday adopted bills on public property and restitution of property, the last bills deemed as “musts” if Serbia is to meet the terms for …

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KFOR removed barricades in North Kosovo

KFOR bust a barricade on the road to Jarinje border checkpoint on Tuesday morning, using tear gas. KFOR arrested people who were on the barricades. The barricades of soil and gravel are being removed, too. The NATO staff arrest everyone crossing the border using alternative routes.

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Finland says Romania and Bulgaria must fight against corruption to join Schengen

It is too early for Bulgaria and Romania to join Schengen, the Finnish Ambassador to Romania, Ulla Marianna Vaisto, has declared. Finland wants to see more progress in the anti-corruption fight undergone by the two states. ” The Schengen file will be sorted out”, the Finnish diplomat assured.

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Chinese delegation visits Romania to discuss political relations

A National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) delegation headed by vice chairman Chen Kuiyuan arrived Friday (23 September) for a good-will visit to Romania. Romanian Senate President Mircea Geoana met Monday with Chen Kuiyuan, a senior official of China’s top political advisory body.

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Angela Merkel reaffirms will to help Greece

The Greek prime minister said Tuesday that Athens would live up to the commitments that it has made to its international creditors as he urged Europe to pull together to take the steps needed to stem a potentially disastrous escalation in the debt crisis. Speaking later before the same group …

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