Eurasia News

Serbia willing to accept customs form

Serbian Ministry for Kosovo State Secretary Oliver Ivanović said Wednesday that the Serbian government was willing to accept a joint customs form. He pointed out, however, that Serbia would never accept a “Kosovo” customs stamp.

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Serbia-EU forum to be held in September

The Serbian government will on September 8-10 organize the Serbia-EU Forum, which will be attended by more than 400 of participants from several countries. The event will be modeled after the Davos Forum – said Serbian Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Božidar Đelić.

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Bulgarian delegation to visit Kosovo

Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Miroslav Naydenov and a business delegation from the agricultural sector are to visit the Republic of Kosovo on August 17. Minister Naydenov will meet with Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and Deputy Prime Minister

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EU supports two customs stamps in Kosovo

EU representatives back the idea of Belgrade for introduction of two customs stamps at the administrative checkpoints between Kosovo and Serbia. Serbian representatives have proposed the idea several times – one of the stamps will bear the sign of Kosovo customs, while the other – the sign of EULEX or …

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US Deputy says the United States can’t help Macedonia in the name dispute, the country should negotiate with Greece

Philip Reeker, US Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, who is on a visit to Macedonia, met with the country’s new Defence Minister Fatmir Besami. After the meeting Reeker said that the strong partnership between Macedonia and the US will continue. The diplomat, however, remarked that the US …

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Montenegro reaches agreement on the use of the Serbian language

Montenegrin PM Igor Luksic has finally reached agreement with leaders of the country’s political opposition regarding the use of the Serbian language and facilitating Montenegrin citizenship for minorities. After months of wrangling and political pressure, PM Luksic successfully agreed to appease opposition leaders yesterday, thereby

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Turkey seeks US action on Cyprus intention to drill for oil in the eastern Mediterranean

Turkey has contacted the US administration on Greek Cypriot plans to begin drilling for gas in the eastern Mediterranean. Greek Cyprus recently announced that it would begin drilling for oil and gas off the island’s southern coast on Oct. 1.

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