Eurasia News

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed Kosovo situation with Catherine Ashton

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton met on Monday and discussed the Kosovo dialogue. They agreed that “normalization of relations and building of trust through the Belgrade-Priština dialogue pave the way for European future of both sides”.

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OSCE adopted Kosovo organ trafficking resolution

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Belgrade adopted a resolution on Sunday calling for a comprehensive investigation into claims of organ trafficking during the Kosovo war. The investigation will focus on abductions and other crimes related to the removal and sale of human organs allegedly

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Turkish President visits Bulgaria

Turkish President, Abdullah Gul, and First Lady, Hayrunnisa Gul, have arrived in Sofia for their official two-day visit. The visit of the Turkish Head of State is on the invitation of his Bulgarian counterpart Georgi Parvanov and is his first one the since he stepped in office in 2007.

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Ukraine says it will have the same position on Moldova’s territorial integrity

Ukraine shall continue its support of the Republic of Moldova’s territorial integrity in the Transnistrian conflict settlement question, says the joint statement signed in Crimea (Ukraine) following the meeting, which Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovitch had with his Moldovan colleague this past weekend. 

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