Eurasia News

European Commissioner Füle expresses concern over Kars statue demolition in Turkey

European Commissioner for Enlargement Stefan Füle said on Monday that the European Union is “deeply concerned” about the demolition of a monument in Turkey’s eastern province of Kars as he said that it is the only statue dedicated to the struggle of peace between Armenia and Turkey.

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Russia urges reconciliation between Moldova and Transdnistria

Russia’s foreign minister has called upon Moldova and the breakaway republic of Transdnistria to retreat from fringe positions and start moving towards a political settlement. Consultations over a potential settlement of the Transdnistria issue took place in Moscow on Tuesday, though later that evening the press service of the Moldovan

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Greek MEPs call on EC to react to Alexander the Great statue in Skopje

The Macedonian government has provoked Greece and continues appropriating Greece’s history and pursuing the policy of antiquisation, MEP Maria Eleni Koppa says in a letter sent to the European Commission, Macedonian +info news website reports. “Considering the fact that in the past two years the reports on the Former Yugoslav …

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Macedonia Ponders Alexander Effect on Greece

While some fear the new statue will pour oil onto the flames of the ‘name’ dispute with Greece, other say ties are already so damaged it will make no difference. Experts are divided over whether the erection of a huge statue of Alexander the Great in the middle of Skopje …

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Serbia expects EU to be strict, but fair

Serbia’s Deputy Prime Minister Božidar Đelić said Tuesday the government’s strategic goal was to gain the status of a candidate for EU membership. Another was to be given the start date for the accession negotiations by the end of the year, he said, adding that Serbia expected the EU to …

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UNMIK chief likely to take over top OSCE job

UNMIK chief Lamberto Zanier will almost certainly be the new Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, the country that chairs the OSCE at the moment, said that there were no objections to

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Greek government wins confidence vote

The Greek parliament has approved Prime Minister George Papandreou’s reshuffled government which hopes to get support for its austerity plan. The prime minister won 155 out of 300, 143 were against, with two abstentions.

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