Eurasia News

Karadzic Trial: witness says non-Serb population was forced to move

Testifying at Radovan Karadzic’s trial, an expert witness says that Bosnian Serb authorities organised the removal of the non-Serb population from areas under their control. Dorothea Hanson, an expert witness who drafted a report on the establishment and functioning of Serb crisis committees and wartime presidencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, …

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Bosnia: PM nominated by presidency to break stalemate

Bosnia’s central presidency on Tuesday finally nominated a prime minister to end an eight-month political impasse but warned that the crisis would be exacerbated if the candidate is rejected. The chairman of the rotating three-man presidency, Bosnian Serb Nebojsa Radmanovic, announced the nomination of Bosnian Croat Slavo Kukic but added …

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Azerbaijani FM visits Georgia

Strong, successful and independent Georgia is part of the national security of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said after his meeting with the Chairman of the Georgian Parliament on Monday.

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UN peacekeeping force mandate in Cyprus was extended

The UN Security Council on Monday extended the mandate of the United Nations peacekeeping force in Cyprus for another six months and urged the leadership of the Greek and Turkish Cyprus to accelerate the pace of talks aimed at reunifying the long-divided island.

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Slovakia supports Serbia’s EU accession

Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič met with Serbian FM Vuk Jeremić and said his country supported Serbia’s entry into the European Union “without reservation”. He also stated that Bratislava’s stance not to recognize Kosovo remained unchanged.

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Bosnia’s Presidency to choose the PM

Bosnia’s State Presidency members are due to announce their candidate for prime minister on Tuesday, but it’s unlikely that he will be approved by parliament. Bakir Izetbegovic, the Bosniak member of the country’s tripartite presidency, said on Monday that he will support Dr. Slavo Kukic for prime minister, as Bosnia …

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