Eurasia News

Russia and Ukraine are determined to resume political settling of Transnistrian conflict

Russia and Ukraine are strongly determined to resume the full-scale process of political settlement of the Transnistrian problem, Russian Federation’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov stated at a news conference following his meeting with his Ukrainian colleague, Minister of Foreign Affairs Konstantin Grishenko, in Odessa (Ukraine) this past weekend.

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Serbian PM visits Cyprus

Serbian PM Mirko Cvetković met in Nicosia today with Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias during a visit “intended to improve relations between the two counties”. Cvetković laid a wreath at the statue of former Cypriot President Archbishop Makarios III.

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Turkey opposes Ursula Plassnik’s candidacy for OSCE

Turkey says it opposes the candidacy of Austria’s former foreign minister to become the next secretary general of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Turkey’s foreign ministry said Saturday it can’t support Ursula Plassnik because she opposes Turkey’s bid to become a full member of the European Union. …

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U.S. congressmen group to hold meetings in Georgian Parliament

The U.S. Congress representatives will today hold several meetings in the Georgian parliament during their visit to Georgia. A group of the U.S. congressmen consisting of 8 people, who represent the Republican and Democratic parties, is on visit to Tbilisi. They are scheduled to meet with representatives of the Constitutional …

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Macedonia’s ruling party wins general elections

Macedonia’s ruling VMRO DPMNE party has declared victory in Sunday’s general elections, claiming they have won almost half of the seats in the parliament. “The VMRO DPMNE-led coalition has won these elections,” Prime Minister and VMRO DPMNE party leader Nikola Gruevski told supporters late on Sunday.

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Moldova: communists win local elections

Political deadlock and economic hardship appear to have steered Moldovans towards the opposition Communists in local elections on Sunday. Communist Igor Dodon is leading the mayoral race in the Moldovan capital Chisinau with around 52 percent of the vote, while incumbent mayor Dorin Chirtoaca holds 43 percent, according to

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Albania wants joint textbooks with Kosovo

Albania’s Minister of Education announced in a meeting with his Kosovo counterpart on Friday that both countries would work on producing joint textbooks for first-graders. “We will soon have textbooks on the market for children abroad [outside Albania], based on a common programme,” the Albanian Education Minister, Myqerem Tafaj, said. …

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United States doesn’t support Kosovo partition

U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Mary Warlick has stated that Washington “strongly supports Serbia in its EU integration”. She also stressed that the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština “is very important and expected to result in great progress in the coming months”.

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