Eurasia News

UN official urges Romania to prepare before launch of planned judicial reforms

UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Gabriela Knaul, urged Romanian authorities Tuesday (May 24th) to make sure key conditions are in place before they introduce four new criminal and civil laws this year. “A reform that truly aims to generate positive changes should foresee prior assessments, …

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Netherlands insists that Serbia must fully co-operate with Hague

Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal reiterated on Wednesday that Serbia’s further progress in the EU integration process will depend on its co-operation with The Hague war crimes tribunal. Chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz will present his report to the UN Security Council next month. The Netherlands insists on Belgrade’s full co-operation, …

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Belgrade will not sign agreements with Priština

Head of Belgrade’s negotiating team Borislav Stefanović has said that no agreement will be signed with representatives of Priština’s negotiating team. He added that the agreements that the two parties could reach would be implemented by the governments and monitored by the European Union.

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Serbia’s decision to boycott Warsaw summit is final

Decision of the Serbian President Boris Tadic not to take part in the summit of the Central and South Eastern European countries which will be held on May 27 and 28 in Warsaw is final and there will be compromise, Tadic office announced. The Serbian President has decided to boycott …

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Macedonian PM: People to choose pro-Macedonian or pro-Greek coalition

Macedonia’s Prime Minister and leader of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski stated in Bitola that Macedonia has choose on the elections on June 5 between a pro-Macedonian and pro-Greek coalition. According to Gruevski smaller rightists parties – of Ljube Boskovski and Ljubco Georgievski worked for the interests of the opposition Social Democratic …

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EU will not impose visa regime for Macedonia

The European Commission will not impose visa regime for Macedonian citizens. That is what EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström stated. “EU is pleased with measures taken by the Macedonian government to reduce number of false refugees”, Cecilia Malmström stated.

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Kosovo Minister accuses EC of applying double standards against Kosovo

Minister of European Integration Vlora Citaku said on Monday (May 23rd) that the European Commission (EC) is applying double standards against Kosovo, referring to requirements Pristina has to meet even before visa liberalisation dialogue begins. The EC has imposed no such conditions on any other country in the region, Citaku …

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EU proposes mechanism to suspend visa-free regime

The European Commission proposed on Monday a mechanism that would allow the EU to suspend the visa-free regime for certain states under “exceptional” circumstances. The Commission proposed the “safeguard clause”, which will go to EU ministers for discussion in June, in the wake of growing pressure on Macedonia and Serbia …

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