Eurasia News

Turkey supports Macedonia’s EU and NATO bids

Macedonia should continue with reforms aimed at securing NATO and EU membership, Turkish EU Minister Egemen Bagis said Friday (March 25th) after meeting Deputy Prime Minister for EU Integration Vasko Naumovski in Skopje. The two officials welcomed friendly relations between their countries and lauded their ongoing co-operation in the field …

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Serbia says it will not recognize Kosovo and it will not accept Priština authority in north

Belgrade has a red line it will not cross in its talks with Priština, head of the Serbian team for the talks Borislav Stefanović said. The line is not to recognize the Kosovo Albanian unilateral declaration of independence or agree to let northern, predominantly Serb-inhabited area of Kosovo come under

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Macedonia, Kosovo presidents confirm friendly ties

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and Kosovo counterpart Behgjet Pacolli on Wednesday (March 23rd) reaffirmed their countries’ friendly bilateral ties. Ivanov said Macedonia is ready to support Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic bids and share its experiences. The two presidents also discussed ways to boost bilateral economic co-operation, during this, Pacolli’s first visit to …

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Greece to present counter-arguments on Macedonia’s suit

Greece is set to present Thursday its counter-arguments within the public hearing before the Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Macedonia’s suit against Greece for violating the 1995 bilateral Interim Treaty by objecting to Macedonia’s application to join NATO. The Greek team is led by Maria Telalian, legal advisor …

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Greek PM to meet Macedonian counterpart in Brussels

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski will meet with Greek counterpart Giorgeos Papandreou in Brussels on Monday. The Macedonian government announced that the two will discuss issues of mutual and regional interest. The meeting, which will be held in the frames of the European council, is part of the process aiming …

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