Eurasia News

Macedonian FM presents country’s application for UN Human Rights Council membership

Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki has presented the country’s application for UN Human Rights Council membership during the 16th session of the Council. “Respect for human rights and freedoms is the most important constitutional value and leading principle in foreign policy,” said Milososki and added Macedonia was determined to keep …

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KFOR halved its number of troops

The NATO-led force in Kosovo, KFOR, has reduced the number of its troops to 5,500 from 10,000. This was confirmed for VOA by the force’s commander, German General Erhard Buehler. He said it was proof that the mission was successfully carried out.

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Montenegrin President visits Turkey

Montenegro’s President Filip Vujanovic will arrive in Turkey on Tuesday on a formal visit. Vujanovic will visit the country as the guest of Turkish President Abdullah Gul, the Turkish Presidency’s press center announced on Monday. This will be the first formal presidential level visit of a Montenegrin leader to Turkey …

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Georgia-EU facilitated visa regime starts on March 1

Starting March 1, facilitated visa regime between Georgia and EU will take effect, according to Nino Kalandadze, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Georgia. As he stated, Georgia welcomes the fact, considering it as a political statement on EU’s staying true to its principles with regards to Georgia.

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Macedonia şi-ar putea schimba numele

Guvernul macedonean a venit cu o propunere menită să pună capăt disputei cu Grecia pe tema numelui ţării. Ministrul afacerilor externe Antonio Miloşoski i-a trimis o scrisoare secretarului general al Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite, Ban Ki-moon, prin care îl informează că este de acord ca noul nume al ţării să fie …

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