Eurasia News

Assessing Turkey’s Foreign Policy Strategy and Missed Opportunities in the West

A recent public opinion poll shows that 43% of Turkish citizens surveyed view the United States as the biggest threat the country. Israel was viewed by 23.7% as the biggest threat, while traditional ‘enemy’ Greece was viewed as the biggest threat by only 2.3% (Iran 3%, Iraq 2.1%, Russia 1.7%). …

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Playing Milorad Dodik’s Game

Marking the 19th anniversary of the autonomy of Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, entity President Milorad Dodik took the opportunity to warn on national television that Bosnian Serbs would not allow any further decentralization, which is necessary for EU integration. He described Bosnia-Herzegovina as a ‘divided society’ that ‘is in …

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