Eurasia News

EP rapporteur for Serbia visits Belgrade

European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia Jelko Kacin is visiting Serbia, where he is meeting with government and parliament officials and NGO representatives. Kacin said in Belgrade on Monday that Dick Marty’s report on KLA organ trafficking is not substantiated enough to justify

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Turkey hopes that newly-opened checkpoint to promote relations with Armenia

Opening of Aktas check-point in Akhalkalaki, on the border of Georgia and Turkey, may lead to positive changes for Akhalkalaki’s Armenian population, according to Ardahan province governor Mustafa Tekmen. “Ardahan and Georgia are maintaining economic relations, implementing student exchange programs. Opening of Aktas check point will help intensify the dialogue …

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Cyprus proposes direct talks with Turkey

Cyprus is ready to start direct talks with Turkey to find a solution to the Mediterranean island’s longstanding division, Cypriot Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou declared on Friday (December 17th). “We should start the direct exchange of opinions. We should directly share our demands and our complaints,” Kyprianou said. Ankara has …

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Re-voting expected in some Kosovo municipalities

Numerous irregularities that marred the December 12th snap elections are expected to prompt another round of voting in three municipalities, local media reported on Thursday (December 16th). The Central Election Commission (CEC) said the decision will be announced after the complaints and alleged violations are thoroughly investigated. Sources inside the …

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