Eurasia News

Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia back EU integration of Western Balkans

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov and his Greek and Serbian counterparts, Dimitris Droutsas and Vuk Jeremic, have voiced support for the EU integration of Western Balkan countries. The three top diplomats met in Sofia on Saturday (December 11th). Mladenov said that Bulgaria and Greece, as EU members, have the historic …

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Georgia has a new ambassador to Azerbaijan

The Georgian Parliament approved Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Azerbaijan Teimuraz Sharashenidze on Friday. Teimuraz Sharashenidze previously served as consul general to Istanbul, he is a career diplomat. 

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Conference on South East Europe in Germany today

Conference on South East Europe will begin in Berlin tonight. The organizers point out that “stabilization of the Western Balkans and region’s integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures remains one of the main challenges of common European foreign and security policy”. 

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Moldova: Curtea Constituţională admite cererea PCRM de renumărare a voturilor

Curtea Constituţională din Republica Moldova a admis solicitarea PCRM privind renumărarea voturilor exprimate în scrutinul legislativ din 28 noiembrie, prin urmare, Comisia Electorală Centrală urmează să renumere voturile. Cererea PCRM a fost admisă din cauza incompatibilităţilor dintre datele înscrise în procesele verbale primite de la birourile electorale şi documentele postate …

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Slovenia opens embassy in Tirana

Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor inaugurated his country’s new embassy in Tirana on Wednesday (December 8th), saying he hopes it will further strengthen bilateral ties. Pahor confirmed that Slovenia will provide financial support to help Albania address devastating floods. During the embassy ceremony, Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha said Tirana …

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